Friday, 13 February 2009

DAY THREE - The voting opens

So the game is on and voting has begun.

I went to all the halls of residents surrounding Uni today and flyered and chatted to people. Canvasing is actually really fun. Every person that I speak to changes my thought direction and I think that this is really exciting. I feel that I really know what I stand for now as when ad libing I am focusing on opportunities for everyone at the paper. The more people working for the paper the more exciting it can be. Ideas are exciting!

So tonight is election Fruity and I am currently sitting in my living room pre-drinking. I'm not sure what the vibe will be tonight but basically me and my campaign managers are going to have to sell me to the max! Again I plan to emphasise the new position opportunities that I am offering.

Check here for day two of voting's extravaganzas!

thanks for the support, it really counts now and I need as many votes as possible.


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