Friday, 20 February 2009


Thanks everyone for your support and time this week.

I am filling an official complaint about LUU democracy. Here is a copy:

I would like to make a formal complaint about the Leeds University Union (LUU) democracy process.
Firstly, it should not have taken a student to have informed LUU staff of their own policy. Then for a supposedly democratic organisation to ignore its policy, a policy that was voted for by students who believed that it would stand for three years, is despicable. The referendum ethos of the organisation has been made a mockery of by a small group of select people making a decision which goes against the beliefs of its members.
It is highly unreasonable that the steering committee members, despite being in some case elected, have made a decision for the student population. The blame in this situation does not lie with any particular individual but with the organisation as a whole. Why did it again take student members, Leeds Student sub-editors, to do anything about the injustice rather than a higher figure? The gross malpractice of LUU staff and NUS representatives cannot be underestimated and will not be concealed.
Secondly, the decision of LUU to re-open the editor elections is of great inconvenience to both myself and the other candidates. The decision made after a complaint made against a perfectly valid email is in my opinion null and void; the sender(s) of the email were to all intent and purposes members of the student public, and therefore nothing to do with the campaigns. To take this as a serious threat to the election is surely deeming all free speech as detrimental to an individual’s campaign. If LUU is attempting to make these student elections a microcosm of democracy on a national and international scale, they have failed unacceptably and have presented themselves as unreliable and biased.
I do accept that it could potentially have influenced voting not in favour of one of the candidates but this argument is void as this candidate should never have stood, and the intention of the email was to correct the miss information that LUU had presented about this candidate. This complaint has been a lucky chance for LUU to put right some of the wrongs that it has done previously. This is, however, too late.
Finally, it is vehemently clear that LUU realise their great faults in this election process as the original policy has been reinstated. Why was this not done sooner? I understand that it would be difficult to tell someone that they had to cancel their campaign when they had already started but the situation that I and my fellow candidates are now left in is vastly worse.
I have defended LUU to critics on many occasions but I have absolutely no desire to do so in the future as a result of recent actions. The national and international reputation of the union is in serious jeopardy and I strongly recommend that this is addressed to prevent further detrimental effects to the University and its students. On a more personal level I have also taken part in LUU societies for three years now and have strong reservations about continuing to participate. LUU should look after Leeds Student, not destroy it, as it is their best asset. As a result of recent events the reputation and success of Leeds Student are at great risk.
I have never been so ashamed of my university union and I have never been treated so badly.
I expect to be fully refunded for all the money that I have spent on my campaign and I would like a formal apology from LUU.
I am not afraid to take this issue further and will be contacting relevant parties.

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